Genuine Maori Cuisine
Mission Statement
To Revive, Preserve and Promote Pre-European
Genuine Maori Cuisine Practices
Our New Zealand
Historical Maori Food Culture
Contents include methods used in Pre-European times by Maori for example the foods gathered, prepared, cooked and served. hunting methods used, agriculture, horticulture, fishing, snaring methods used, and basic daily activities Maori lived in a typical home based Marae lifestyle situation
Indepth research has been an ongoing venture utilizing libraries, museums, universities, city council libraries, our esteemed elderly folk who have first hand knowledge in this area, a huge resource base that they can confirm what was available in their area in their childhood. This website is the result of our work and research and will evolve as more and more people become involved. Nga Mihi
Book Store
with gifts for the kitchen and other very useful items.
Genuine Maori Cuisine Forum
Appreciation and thanks is extended to all those who have made this huge task possible in its compilation and establishment. I acknowledge talented chefs from around the world, whanau, iwi, iwi corporations, iwi organizations, companies and hapu who have gave and or assisted with the thousands of hours spent researching, gathering, proof reading and finding the right information for our ongoing project and personal venture
Copyright © 2005
Content on this site, remains the property of Epuro Hands International Limited and Copyright Owners who are protected by New Zealand and International Copyright laws.
No part of this website may be reproduced without the expressed, written permission of Epuro Hands International Limited and All Copyright Owners